Friday, 19 February 2016

Technical and Economic Development in Pakistan (Essay-With outline)

Technical and Economic Development in Pakistan (Essay-With outline)
Technical and Economic Development in Pakistan (Essay-With outline)

 Technical and Economic Development in Pakistan (Essay-With outline)


1. Technology a key factor in economic growth

2. Prerequisites for effective use of modern technology

    -Socio-cultural pattern


    -Capital formation

    -Strong entrepreneurship

3. Consideration for the adaptation of modern technology

    -Mass education

    -Local conditions

    -Difference in factors of production

    -Supply of machines and technicians

4. Conclusion

Pakistan needs economic growth for developing and possible only if we have more productivity. Technology plays a key role in economic growth. The more the economic growth and faster the rate of economic development. Pakistan needs to fulfill certain preconditions to the modern technology effectively.

Technological progress is not only a scientific phenomenon but sociological one as well. At first technology must be accepted mentally otherwise it will lead to lack of participation on the part of the people to adopt it. We have a custom-ridden and tradition bound society which is a big obstacle. This situation can overcome if technical education is provided. Qualified producers, administration and technicians are required to make the best of modern technology. Our population needs to be familiarized with the latest technology.

Modern technology requires heavy investment but Pakistan cannot afford to buy the modern technology. Capital formation should be increase to buy such technology. Pakistan and developing countries in the same stage of development should acquire a technology which requires less capital and more labour along with large scale of production. If the prerequisites exist, there are various important considerations which need to be kept in view while adapting to a technology.

The majority of people in Pakistan illiterate and their major occupation is agriculture. While adapting technology for the agricultural sector or the industrial sector, the education level of people matters a lot. Education is an indicator of a community’s conditions are necessary, its technology is to be adopted in Pakistan. Attitudes need to be changed so that a healthy environment for the technology prevails.

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Factors of production very often distinguish one country from another. One country may have more natural resources while the other may be blessed with more land. It is essential to analyze the proportion of factors of production, so that a country is well aware of its inputs. A higher type of training needs to be imparted to the personal responsible for the planning and execution of advanced technology. Such education and training requires money and time. Initially technicians may be important from abroad. The ultimate solution to the problem is that training institutions and centres be established within the country. The Pakistan Steel Mills and Heavy Mechanical Complex, Taxila are playing a vital role in training and increasing the proficiency of labour in Pakistan.

Administrators play a significant role in spreading modern technology. Formal training is not very useful as the success of administrators depend on their actual experience. Entrepreneurs are the actual users of modern technology and they depend upon technological progress. They must possess basic knowledge to make the experiment worthwhile. Government policies should be long term and provide security to capital development planning should stimulate healthy completion. Modern technology and markets efficiently will find markets readily. If not, a few countries can join hands and establish some kind of a common market.

Energy Crisis in Pakistan (Essay-with outline)

Energy Crisis in Pakistan (Essay-with outline)
Energy Crisis in Pakistan (Essay-with outline)

Energy Crisis in Pakistan (Essay-with outline)


1. Main causes of Energy Crisis:

    -Lack of Proper planning and discernment

    -Industrial development

    -Mechanization of agriculture

    -Blind electrification of rural areas

    -Pressure of electric appliances

2. Suggestions

    -Construction of dams

    -Installation of hydel units of streams and canals

    -The discovery of oil be made

    -Natural resources like coal, gas be used properly

3. Conclusion

During the last two years our country has been undergoing severe shortage of energy. It’s regretful to say that no new hydroelectric power scheme has been made since the completion of Tarbela Dam. The nuclear power project at Chashma, which was to generate 900 M.W. electricity, could not have been started because of hostile international climate. Meanwhile the demand for electricity is on the increase every day. No new industrial units have been set up. The programme for rural electrification has further aggravated the energy crisis. The number of electric appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, television set, tape recorder, has gone up tremendously. So it has cast a tremendous pressure on the electric sources of the country.

If we want that the economic growth of the country does not fall, ways and means to meet the requirements of energy will have to be discovered at all costs. There is no dearth of natural resources in Pakistan. We are just to accept the challenge of time and use our resources in the best possible way. There is a tremendous hydro-electrical potential in Pakistan. It has huge resources of oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear minerals. Forests can be augmented to very great extent. Solar, wind and geothermal sites have been indicated in various places of country.

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Falling water is the only requirement for producing hydro-electricity and nature has provided us with plenty of it. According to estimate, prepared by WAPDA, the total hydel potential of Pakistan is 30,000 M.W. of which 20,000 M.W. is said to economically exploitable. Against this the authority has so far been able to install capacity of 2547 M.W. only. Thus there is a huge scope for exploiting this source further. Pakistan can install small scale electric generation plants on numerous streams, canals, rivulets and their distributaries. Setting up mini hydro units on available sites is technically no problem now-a-days. The turbines which can be installed on them are available in the market. The local communities can also be encouraged to take part in the implementation of their schemes. The discovery of natural gas in 1952 came as a great boon for industrialists and domestic consumers. It’s also used for making fertilizers and a lot of other chemicals and for generating electricity L.P.G. is a by-product of oil refineries.

Though Pakistan has been able to increase its product of oil manifold, still more than 80% of its needs are met from imports. This is a huge burden on our shaky economy. Greater attention for exploring new oil wells, both on the land and in the sea, will have to be given. Like oil and natural gas, coal is a very versatile product of nature. It can be used for generating electricity, running factories, mills and railway engine. It’s found in all the provinces of Pakistan and it has been found suitable for power generation.

At present the international climate is averse to the nuclear programme of Pakistan. Therefore, in the near future, it cannot hope to get nuclear plants for generating electricity from other countries. Our nuclear scientists and industrial technicians may one day be able to fabricate nuclear plants locally.

Pakistan can also produce electricity from the sun, winds, garbage and other local wastes. Germany and Paris have large waste burning plants producing electricity and gas for a sizable number of their citizens. We can also follow their footsteps. Pakistan can also solve its energy crisis provided the people who matter have the will to do so. Meanwhile a lot of energy can be saved by economizing on the use of air-conditioners. The use of cars and other private vehicles should be minimized. The pilferage of gas and electricity should be detected and heavy punishment should be imposed on the guilty of this social crime.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Salesmanship (With outline)

Salesmanship (With outline)
Salesmanship (With outline)

Salesmanship (With outline)


  1. Introduction
  2. Its place in the modern era
  3. Main characteristics of a good salesman
  4. Conclusion

Salesmanship holds a tremendous significance in modern era, as it has become a highly lucrative profession. The production of things on a massive scale has made it a necessary evil for the producers to dispose of their goods at a very high price. In the past two decades it had never been considered a profiting profession in Pakistan. But now the situation is totally changed and it has become a very charming and attractive profession for the well-qualified and educated salesmen. Seeing its importance in the modern age, more and more educated young girls and boys are choosing and taking up this lucrative profession. A salesman holds very special place as he is not a common person. He must be a man with certain qualities because a great deal of business depends upon him.

A good salesman not only sells a product to a consumer but also guides him in making his choice. No doubt, a good salesman must have a charming and good-looking personality to impress the customer. He should be urbane and polite in his impact on the consumers. He is supposed to be loyal not only to his employees but also to the customers. Politeness, mannerism, good-looking personality, forceful voice and intelligence are the rudimentary and essential features for a salesman. 

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Sensing the significance of salesmanship, many big firms enlist and train their salesman on scientific and commercial lines. They have setup their own training centres where the highly qualified and experienced staff is busy training their new entrants, salesmen. It pays back tremendously in the promotion of their sales. The highly motivated and truly dedicated salesmen play a key role in raising their profits at an astonishing level. Now, the salesman from well-off families don’t feel any hesitation to join his honorable and profitable profession. They know it quite well that this profession is in no way below their dignity and they rather feel proud of working in this profession.

A good and competent salesman is always in good touch with his customers. He is always well aware of the new demands and current trends of the consumers. Their contacts turn out to be very handy and useful in informing their employees about the changing trends of the buyers. A good salesman is very concerned. He shows a good patience and tolerance even if customer, waste his precious time and leave the shop without making any soil of purchasing. He thinks it his duty to listen to the buyers patiently and smilingly. He then tries to understand their demands quite intelligently. Now-a-days good salesman not only earn handsome salary but also earn the good will of the public. They feel satisfied and pleased by developing beneficial contacts with the consumers.

Role of Mass Media (With outline)

Role of Mass Media (With outline)
Role of Mass Media (With outline)

Role of Mass Media (With outline)


1. Nature of mass media
2. Electronic revolution
3. Main features of mass communication
4. Role of mass media in our society
5. Essential purposes of mass media
    - Education and instruction
    - Information and interpretation
    - Convincing and persuasion
    - Entertainment
6. Conclusion

The term “Mass Media” refers to the role of radio, television, newspapers, journals, magazines and other media in society. They stand for modern sophisticated channels of world-wide communication. Though the mass media make the communication possible over great distances, they are simply technical devices built into the human communication process. For centuries it was largely through printed matter that common ideals and aspirations were maintained over wide areas. Then the electronic revolution of the 19th and 20th centuries brought the motion picture, radio and T.V. which joined the printed media in spreading information, ideas and providing entertainment.

The media tend to select their audience; and audience likewise select among and within the media. One of the most distinguishing features of mass communication is that it is mostly one way. It works on the assumption that each individual is completely “passive” and will accept the communication like and injection. Secondly, the media are capable of reading millions of people at the same time. Thirdly, the media are addressed to a mythical reader, viewer or listener. Fourthly, the media not only influence socio-economic order in which they perform; they are likewise influenced by it.

In a country like Pakistan the functions of mass media are the same as those in the west, but the nature of masses is vastly different. Low literacy percentage, differences in the way of life of urban and rural population, devotion to cherished traditional norms, economic backwardness, lack of advanced technology present the formation of a standardized cultural pattern.

In their role as a teacher, the media are supplementing the work of home, mosque and school. Keeping within the fold of traditional values, every effort is being made to transform social behavior so that it conforms to the Islamic way of life. The printed and the spoken word in being used to eradicate social evils and to propagate democratic behavior.

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As informers and interpreters, the media do not confine themselves to holding a mirror to an event to show its surface. The gathering complexity of public affairs has made it increasingly difficult to confine reporting to the strait jacket of unelaborated fact. The media, subtly or blatantly, act as powerful sources of persuasion. We have become the focus of all sorts of special pleadings; we are called upon to make manifold decisions, in our various roles as citizens, consumers and members of small groups. Most of the persuasion comes from advertisers or from specialized agencies like the Municipal Corporation or traffic police.

Entertainment has a powerful appeal and the mass media have all the facilities to provide it. The newspapers with its human interest stories, the radio with its lilting melodies, the T.V. with its assortment of plays and sports events – all cater to the individual desire satisfy certain needs. Age, sex, education, socio-economic status – such things tend to influence the reasons for which people turn to the media.

Narcotics (Essay-With outline)

Narcotics  (Essay-With outline)
Narcotics  (Essay-With outline)

Narcotics (Essay-With outline)


  • Introduction
  • Its use and dangerous consequences
  • Its medicinal value
  • It causes physical and mental addiction
  • Two categories of narcotics stimulants and depressions
  • Remedy

Narcotics is one of the most dangerous things which has destroyed the precious basis of millions of young men all over the world. The word narcotic is used for a number of drugs, which it is presumed, make people feel better, albeit temporarily, whereas the reality is quite the reverse. The fact is that these drugs, unless they are taken under a qualified doctor’s advice and care, are extremely toxic and harmful. Narcotics are habit forming and one uses them is known as an addict. He becomes so much dependent on the drug that he will not desist from committing a crime, even a felony, if he cannot get it otherwise. That’s why almost all governments have banned them and declared them illegal.

Narcotics have been called by different names in different countries. The more popular names used for them in America are “dope” and “drugs”. A narcotic is a drug which produces narcosis, a state of numbness, in which a person loses most or all of his power of feeling and may lose consciousness. He falls into such a deep sleep that they cannot be awakened unless the effects of the drug have been evaporated. At the same who uses them cannot sleep rather he becomes, “more wide awake than era”. These drugs are also called narcotics.

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Narcotics have a medicinal value as well throughout the ages the doctors and physicians have been using them in an effective manner and helping the patients to get relief from acute pain. International criminals, in their lust for money and power are playing havoc with the lives of millions of young people all over the world. They use devious methods to allure young people and make addicts out of them. Once a person becomes an addict, he is totally at the mercy of these criminals and cannot have to escape from their clutches. The people whose minds are preyed upon by financial or other worries also fall victims to this reprehensible practice.

There are certain drugs which cause bodily addiction. In this kind of addiction the body of the victim becomes dependent on drugs and he almost craves for them in her increasing quantities. If this craving is checked, he suffers severe physical and mental pain.

The drugs which produce physical addiction are usually obtained from opium which is itself a product of the poppy plant. It is transformed into various drugs which are called opiates. One of them is morpheme, which is used by medical profession as a pair killer. Another is heroin which is extremely popular among the addicts. Still another is codeine. It has medicinal value and is used in many cough medicine. But it is taken as a drug as well and is fraught with unfortunate consequences for its victims.

Narcotics can be classified into two categories: stimulants or depressants. Stimulants, of which cocaine is one, step up all the activities of the body. The heart beats faster, the lungs draw in more air and the feeling of tiredness evaporates for the time being. On the other hand, the depressants, such as opiates, slow down the activity of the body; their user feels calm and relaxed and often goes to sleep.

The narcotics pose a huge problem for the society. They are now considered an illness. Almost like every other illness, they are curable. Arrangements for their treatment have been made in many hospitals of Pakistan. Their victims can be cured in four or six months and they can again lead a normal life provided that they keep away from these fatal drugs.

It’s our utmost duty, being citizens of Pakistan, to join hand with the government in its fight against drugs. Government or anti-narcotic agent agencies cannot play a decisive role unless the people show their practical co-operation in this respect.

Democracy (Essay-With outline)

Democracy (Essay-With outline)
Democracy (Essay-With outline)

Democracy (Essay-With outline)


  1. Introduction
  2. What is democracy?
  3. Merits and demerits of democracy
  4. Eternal vigilance is price of freedom
  5. Despite having loopholes, democracy is the best form of government
  6. Conclusion

Every country has to follow certain kind of system to run the government and to manage the affairs of its people. Various kinds of systems have been in vogue in different countries. Democracy is the best form of government system in the modern era. Practically, it is neither possible nor feasible for all the members of the public to assemble together at a certain place and decide things for themselves. So a via media has been devised. In democracy, people in general go to polls and elect some amongst themselves as their true representatives, who act and speak on their behalf. In political parlance it is called the representative government. 
Abram Lincoln, a famous president of America, has defined democracy the government of the people, by the people and for the people”. It is a form of government in which all the citizens of country have the power to decide what laws they will have and how their government will be formed and run. The parliament reflects the will of the people. A government can remain in power as long as it enjoys the confidence of the public. The democratic government carry out the wishes of their electorate otherwise it will forfeit its confidence and in the next election it will be kicked out. This is how the will of the people prevails. And it is precisely this awareness of accountability which makes democracy superior to all other forms of government.

This form of government is welcomed in most of the advanced and civilized countries of the world. Some the developing countries have adopted controlled democracy whereas in the backward countries of the third world democracy exists only in a distorted form. Most of their countries are being ruled over by army General who talk high of democracy just to befool the innocent public.

Democracy is, comparatively speaking, a phenomenon but it has captured the imagination of people to such an extent that event those governments which in their attitudes, character, and behavior are nakedly despotic quite un-ashamedly call themselves democratic. The first and the most important right of the people in a democracy is the right to choose and oppose. In a true democracy, it is the will of the people that stands supreme. They have the right to decide the ways and means in which the affairs of their country will be conducted. Democracy has become synonymous with freedom, its citizens are free men and women and they enjoy certain right and expression of freedom. In a true democracy, the people have the right to form themselves into opposition parties and if they are able to convince the people of honesty of their stand they can even, at the appropriate time, topple the existing government by taking part in elections and winning them. In fascist countries oppositions are unheard of commodities.

In true democracy, nobody can be put behind the bars unless he has been properly tried in a properly constituted court of law. Anybody can live in any part of the country, can have the job of his own choice, and no restrictions can be place on his right of travel within or outside the country. As a matter of fact a citizen of a democracy can do whatever he likes provided in doing so he does not hurt other people or trample upon their rights.

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Some people are of the opinion that democracy is not the right kind of government because in it men are only counted note weighted. It’s a slow moving process and cannot make rapid decisions. Despite its flaws, it has resorted the sense of honour and self-respect of man and has made him an equal partner in the management of the affairs of his country and it is the only kind of system where the rulers are accountable to the people and can easily be replaced.

It can only flourish in healthy and conducive circumstances if a majority of the people cannot read or write, they are easily duped by dishonest and clever people who snatch their liberties. John Curran, an American, says, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. They are always dishonest people who are ever ready to take it away and make men slaves again. A little slip and a Hitler, a Napoleon or a Mussolini is always waiting in the wings to grab his chance. Initially he comes for a short period of time but never seems to pine up the power once he has snatched it.

Advertising (Essay-With outline)

Advertising (Essay-With outline)
Advertising (Essay-With outline)

Advertising (Essay-With outline)


  1. An integral part of modern society
  2. Evolution of advertising
  3. Scope of advertising
  4. It’s commercial and psychological aspects
  5. A handy media of convincing others
  6. Main sources of advertising in Pakistan
  7. Conclusion

“Advertising is the means by which we make known what we have to sell or that what we want to buy”. The emphasis is primarily on the communication of ideas, on the message and on making known the product that is to be sold. It is today the most essential link in the chain of activities that constitutes modern advertising. Its value is to create new demands to cultivate new tastes and requirements, to promote the role of new kinds of goods and to explain their uses to the customers. There may be private individuals who fill the advertisement columns with run-on classifieds, offering to sell houses, cars etc. There may be employers seeking staff or eligible bachelors seeking brides, or manufacturers of goods advertising on a regional or national scale. As a commercial venture the target of advertising is fairly obvious – to place eventually at the disposal of the consumer cheaper and better goods. Allied to it is a psychological dimension. Unless people are told often enough in a convincing manner, they will not know and they will not make the effort to look or enquire and perhaps order or buy.

At present, advertising holds a great significance and has become an essential part of modern society. Without advertising we should not know the wide range of products available in different fields, to buy or not as we choose. Far from being “an evil thing” it ensures a claim that advertising is a cornerstone of any free society. Until the coming of print the town crier was the main source of ads to spread tidings of wares, wars, disasters, auctions and wrestling bouts. Even today we come across those relies of a bygone age proclaiming their message to the beat of a drum.

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If we cast a glance at any one of the dozens of newspapers and magazines published in Pakistan alone will show that a very large number of people are advertisers. An advertisement may exaggerate but it seldom lies. It employs skills using words, pictures, colours, size, movement, position and timing to entice the reader, viewers, listeners or passer-by to stop, look, listen, read, take interest and act. The ways and means employed in modern times to convey the modern advertising message are as numerous as they are varied. The press, commercial television, outdoor advertising, transportation, cinema screen, sales literature and sponsorship – not to mention lapel buttons, neon signs, book matches and box matches, telephone directory, cassettes – are all parts of the huge apparatus.

“Words have a magic and mystery … language is capable of affecting our attitudes and idea”, Donald Adams says: the telling phrase is the essence, the impact, the lure of advertisement. While advanced countries are using many more, Pakistan is using four major methods of advertising. At the top is the press --- newspapers, magazines, weeklies, and monthlies. Newspapers especially Urdu, have the largest circulation and reach the remotest comers of the country. They are the cheapest means of actual scenes, people and products have a realism about them which only the cinema can match. Radio listening is quite common and it is perhaps the only medium which permits people to work and listen at the same time. Outdoor advertising is also popular. No important road and shopping centre is without its hoardings, bill boards, neon signs and also the electronic ones. It has stabilized business, increased volume of trade, helped the consumer, and improved both the general quality of living and the standard of public taste.

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Saturday, 13 February 2016

Smuggling (With Outline)

Smuggling (With Outline)

Smuggling (With Outline)


  • Introduction
  • It’s a social crime
  • Factors involved in it
  • The evils of smuggling
  • How to tackle it

                Smuggling means exporting or importing goods across the borders of the country without the permission of the government as well as without paying custom duties. At times, a product in one country is cheaper than it is another country. The smugglers come forward and smuggle this cheap item to a country where it is sold at a very high price. Usually, there are certain restrictions on the transfer of such items, but the smuggler jeopardize and carry on their illegal activities ignoring the laws of the country. The desire to be rich and well off overnight works at the root of smuggling. It is a crime against society. It is the people who are individually and collectively responsible for the uplift of the country. Government makes laws for the peace and solidarity of the country. If some people violate these laws for their entirely personal gains, they are acting against the welfare of all the people.

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                It has assumed the proportion of a regular business. Smugglers are very sharp and quick people. They hide the smuggled items cleverly in such ways as are extremely hard to be detected by the custom people. The smuggled goods are usually sent out by roads on big trucks in the darkness of night. Costly things such as gold and heroin are normally smuggled by air and often the bottoms of brief cases are used for this nasty purpose.
                The question rises why the smugglers indulge in this sort of illegal activity or trade. The answer is the charm and lure of money without much effort. Money has become such a big charm for some people as they are even ready to put their lives at stake. Another factor that indirectly contributes to smuggling is that most of our countrymen prefer to foreign goods. The smugglers smuggle costly items such as cloth, electrical appliances, air conditioners, VCRs, colour TV’s etc which have great demand in the country. There are numberless evils of smuggling. The government loses foreign exchange when goods are smuggled out of the country. When goods are smuggled into the country, it cannot earn from the taxes on them. When things like food grains are smuggled out, there is a scarcity of these goods and the people starve for them despite of growing them. When foreign industrial goods are smuggled in, the factories producing them inside the country have to reduce their production. The bad practice of the smuggling also creates social vices. The smugglers offer large bribes to the custom officers and to corrupt police officers. Some are tempted and help the smugglers by ignoring their illegal activities. On top of it, the shortage of goods smuggled to other countries encourages black marketing.


                It can be checked only if strict laws are framed out and enforced without fear or favour. The smugglers should given severe chastisement or penalty. The check posts on the borders should be strengthened and fortified by active, dutiful, loyal and honest officers. The people residing near the borders should also co-operate with the government. Buying of smuggled goods should be discouraged. A developing country like Pakistan cannot afford to neglect this monstrous problem which underestimates the very roots of our national economy.

The Dignity of Labour (With Outline)

The Dignity of Labour (With Outline)
The Dignity of Labour

The Dignity of Labour (With Outline)


  • Introduction
  • Importance of dignity of labour
  • Impact on society
  • Islamic point of view
  • How to motivate the people

                Every living being that Almighty Allah has created struggles for its existence. There is nothing shameful in it. To think that labour is demeaning is just a false sense of prestige and honour. Manual labour elevates one in the estimation of all wise-thinking men. We have come to know that we can have nothing worthwhile without labour. It is our mental labour which led to numerous scientific inventions and discoveries. It is obvious, if the people had not tiled, we would never have built railways, motor, ships, aeroplanes, radios, TV. and Telephone etc. Similarly, if the farmers do not plough and cultivate the soil, there would be no crop and wide spread starvation would be our ultimate fate. Supposing the masons, carpenters and weavers do not labour, we will have no houses to live in and no costumes to cover our bodies.

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                The English ruled the sub-continent for about two centuries. It was due to their influence that we cultivated a desire or ambition for white color jobs and hatred for all types of technical work. Any thing which spoiled our hands and stained our clothes was detested by our youth. The people have least realized that in their own country the persons who posed as “Bara Sahib” and “Maim Sahib” did all their house hold chores with their own hands. They did not think it below their dignity to cook meals, wash utensils and clothes sweep the floors, whitewash the houses etc.
                Manual work in necessary not only for individuals, but also for nations, Japan and Germany were completely destroyed at the hand of world war-II, but they labored and toiled hard to regain their lost glories. Today the Japanese yen and the German mart are the two strongest currencies of the world. China has become a super power in a matter of a few decades. All this has been made possible due to hard work which the people of these countries have been doing for centuries.
                If then labour was so vital to our existence on earth, can there possibly be any shame or humiliation in it now? Is there anything in this labour for which people on earth and promotes the welfare of the world is a thing which every one of us should feel proud of.
                Honest labour, however low it might be, is no less than the dignity of a king. It is much better to be, an honest cultivator than to be a gentle beggar. Where the former wins the praise, the latter is looked down upon. ‘Work is worship’, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him) raised the dignity of work when he himself carried bricks for the construction of the mosque, dug trenches, even mended his own worn out shoes with his own hands.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

The Impact of Oil on International Relations (With Outline)

The Impact of Oil on International Relations (With Outline)
The Impact of Oil on International Relations

The Impact of Oil on International Relations (With Outline)


  • Introduction 
  • Essential means of economic development 
  • Augmented output of oil over the forty years 
  • Price hike affects the whole world 
  • It’s a justified political weapon 
  • Gulf states and Middle East, the largest producers of oil 
  • Oil and developing countries like Pakistan 
  • Conclusion 

It goes without saying that oil has come to play a huge role concerning the economic development of advanced countries as well as the under-developed countries. The world’s oil industry is the world’s leading industry in size and is perhaps the only international industry which concerns every country in the world. The output of oil has steadily enhanced over the last forty years and the older form of energy sources like coal and wood.

Apart from economic interests, the shift in the oil policy of Arab nations has also been dictated by political compulsions. Aware of the reliance of US on oil outputs from the Middle East, the Arab oil production nations used oil as a means of bringing pressure to bear on USA to discontinue its pro-Israeli policy. They announced a complete embargo on all oil sales to the USA and other countries which were willingly helping Israel in its battle against Arab Nation. So oil became a successful economic and political weapon in the struggle and continues to be so today. The Arab countries are biggest oil producing and oil exporting countries in the world. USA, Europe and many other Asian countries are dependent on Arabia, Libya, Iraq and the Gulf states for the supply of oil. In the wake of world war II, the oil producing countries have become more and more aware of their basic national interests and tailored the production and prices of oil to suit their own purpose. This state of mind lead to the formation of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) which works in unison to fix the price of crude oil.

After World War II, oil has cast a huge impact on international relations and the economic development of the world. At the purely political level the inter-relationship of oil and the changing fortunes of the Middle East have made headlines on many occasion. The closure of the Suez Canal after the war of 1956 and the six day war of 1967 had a stunning effect on the movement of oil. The ban on shipping oil to USA and Europe had several serious consciences. It gave rise to increased oil prices to enable the companies to cover their increase costs. Consumer countries felt the pinch and some exerted intense diplomatic pressure to restrain Arab nations from using oil as a political weapon.

Very recently the price-hike of oil has cast lightly negative impact on the economy of the developing countries like Pakistan. Just a few months ago, the price of oil was seventy dollar per barrel. Gradually, its prices went on increase and at present it is one hundred and thirty dollar per barrel. This price hike has really made economy of the developing countries shaky and deplorable. The economy of Pakistan has also been badly influenced by price hike. It has cast adverse effects on the living standard of the people. It has made the basic needs of daily use out of the reach of the poor people. The poor are forced to commit suicide along with their children and this is very tragic situation Pakistan is facing today.

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Apart from highly industrialized states, developing countries are too depended on oil. They are accruing at rapid economic development and face the need to increase their oil supplies in the absence of alternative energy resources. Compared to top industrialized countries, the per capita use of energy in Pakistan is fairly low.

In Pakistan, with growing emphasis on urbanization and the establishment of industries to make are of the country’s resources, it is evident that the demand for fuel and power has begun to rise swiftly. The presence of natural gas and reservoirs of oil in Balochistan are a good omen, but only the time will tell if they are large enough to offset our wholesale dependence on foreign supply. The future of oil will continue to be conditioned by the political and economic interests of oil production and oil consuming countries. The current Iraq situation, the impeding threats of war at Iran, the rash policies of Israel and the question of the Palestinian refugees need to be solved urgently to avoid the further price hike of oil and its gruesome impact on developing countries.

Social Evils (With Outline)

Social Evils (With Outline)
Social Evils

Social Evils


  • Introduction
  • Lust for wealth and gross materialism
  • Adulteration, bribery, black-marketing are symptoms, not causes
  • Jobbery, nepotism and hoarding
  • Ethics, sectarian, religious and linguistics diversities
  • No area free of social evils
  • Failure of law enforcement agencies
  • How the check them
  • Conclusion

                If the people living in a society long to have huge amount of wealth and opulence and determine to a mass money by fair or unfair means, society will fall a prey to social evils. Quite regretfully, our country has contracted all the social evils undermining the cemented foundations of the country. Lust for wealth and the desire to make easy money are the two basic factors particularly responsible for the flourish of social evils. A gross materialistic urge coupled with insatiable pride, gives an edge to such evils as adulteration, bribery, black-marketing and smuggling. Its by produced are ostentations living, lavish spending and a pathetic distortion of traditional decencies. If social evils are to be eradicated, these tendencies must be curbed.
                It should, however, be borne in mind that most of the social evils are merely the symptoms and not the causes of the diseases that is corroding our society. If we want to eradicate these evils, we must lay stress less on the symphonious and more on the causes. If we confine ourselves to the symptoms alone, we will, at the most, be applying a cosmetic treatment. It’s useless to prescribe palliatives when a surgical operation is called for deterrent punishment for hoarders, black marketers and adulterators is all very fine but it works in a small scale and its impact is superficial and transient. It merely touches the tip of the ice berg. For a more lasting solution we must strike at the roots of evils and re-arrange our life, priorities quite measurably.
                Nepotism and jobbery have been at the apex in Pakistan during the last two decades. The government officials can benefit the people of one area without proper right and can deprive the people of another area of their rightful share. They forget to follow any rule of business. They do whatever they like without giving due consideration to the rule of justice and fair-play. The illegal appointment of inefficient relatives and friends might lead us to huge destruction, if it is not checked immediately. Apart from bribery, nepotism, jobbery, black-marketing, forgery, swindling, delay in justice, our society today is also plagued with such evils as adulteration, hoarding, gambling, beggary, drug addiction, drug-trafficking, smuggling, dowry system, ostentations and prodigal living and sectarianism.

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                Although most of these corrupt practices fall within the purview of law, yet our law enforcing agencies have not been able to control them satisfactorily. Bribery and adulteration, in particular, are at the top of this black list and the heathen gods and goddesses of add seem to have acquired a dozen heads and scores of arms. There is hardly any area of human activity that is free from their vicious embrace. The giver the taker are both guilty, but the acquisitive impulse has stilled the voice of their conscience and made them in different to norms of values and morality.
                Food adulteration is also a colossal crime being committed openly in our society. It has spread its tentacles in a hundred different ways. Foodstuffs are adulterated, petrol and oils adulterated, pharmaceuticals are adulterated, cosmetics are adulterated, in short, the very warp and woof of life is adulterated. Despite the pressure of anti-corruption police establishments, drug enforcement cells and food inspection agencies, these evils continue to flourish.
                At the end I would like to suggest that the campaign for the eradication of social evils should be accelerated and pursued with greater feel zest integrity and devotion. The media of mass communication can do much to improve our moral tone. The right kind of television programme can rectify our perspective and expose the black sheep. Regeneration of moral values should be our principal aim. The road to salvation lies in acquiring an inner discipline; for this alone can deliver us from the curse of social evils.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Over Population (With Outline)

Over Population (With Outline)

Over Population (With Outline)
Over Population


  • What does over population mean?
  • Its situation in Pakistan
  • What Islam says in this respect?
  • Reasons behind this over population
  • Consequences of over population
  • How to cope with this problem?

Over population does not mean greater number of population but it means “The rate of increase in population up to such extent that the national resources may not be able to provide optimum standard of life, then the country is over populated”. It is the most intractable problem, which the world confronts today. The alarming increase in the world population poses grim economic, social and political problems to human race. It is possible that in some countries the population may be in excess but with the use of their natural resources they would be able to facilitate its public in industry, commerce, transport and communication and provides them a high standard of living and there is no problem of over population. For some developing countries the situation is so grave and desperate that it has almost become a matter of life and death. Unfortunately, Pakistan is also one of those developing countries which have not been successful in controlling their rapidly increasing population. It’s crystal clear that the world of today is thickly populated. A country becomes thickly populated when its resources fail to meet its requirements and its natural resources are insufficient to meet the needs of the people. 

The relatively slow population growth before the independence of Pakistan can be attributed to wide spread famines, epidemics and natural calamities. The rapid growth of population after independence was the result of declining mortality and near constant fertility. In 1947, the population of the country was 32.5 million and near since then it has risen more than 280 percent. The magnitude of the more recent rise is even more alarming when measured in absolute numbers. About 83 million persons have been added to the population during the last 33 years (1961-94) compared to 26 million added during the last six decades. 

Malthus, a famous economist, gave his famous theory of population. According to him the world population increases in geometric progression like 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. while the resources to meet the demands of the population increase in arithmetic progression like 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. So there are more people and less resources in the world. The country is over populated when the average age in low, diseases, epidemics and natural calamities are abundance, excessive unemployment, per capita income is low and the people may be unaware of the luxuries of life, living a very miserable life. 

Pakistan is not thickly populated on the whole and according to 1992 census the total population of Pakistan is 117.32 million, but still the queues of un-employed persons, increase in social crimes, diseases and natural calamities, low per capita income, sub-standard way of living, scarcity of houses, food, education, entertainment and high birth rate are the elements which indicate over-population. Most of the countries particularly Asia and Africa, where the biggest chunk of the world’s population resides, are facing problems due to their steadily growing population. Now, population problem is termed as population bomb or population explosion because of its serious implications. In Pakistan, the problem of population is very acute and grave. 

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The annual rate of increase of population in the country is 3.7 percent and at present with the best efforts of government, it has reduced to 2.7 percent. According to United Nations Development Program (UNDP) one out of every 5 Pakistanis live in absolute poverty. One out of every of 10 does not have access to health services; every second citizen is without access to safe and pure water, more three out of every four are without excess to sanitation. 

In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says, “And mother should suckle their children for two whole years. This means that an intervening space of about three years should pass between one pregnancy and another. There are a variety of causes such as poverty, lack of means of entertainment, illiteracy, the influence of Islamic scholers, early age marriages, a polygamy, low death rate and high birth rate due to medical science. 

There are two kinds of proposals to leesen the pressure of over-population: 

i) Increase in production 

ii) Check on population 

To achieve these targets, most modern methods should be utilized to enhance the agricultural production. It is necessary to provide chemical fertilizer, better quality seeds and better facilities in irrigation. There is also a need to change their way of life and thinking. Mineral, forests and other sources may also be exploited fully. Special care and steps should be taken for the uplift of commerce, banking, transportation and communication. 

Equal distribution of wealth and income should also be made possible at all costs so that one may be able to share the fruit of progress. 

Men should be convinced to have less number of children. We should try to make them understand that it has no clash with religious or moral values, newspaper, T.V. radio and other media can play an important role in this respect. Education can play a vital role in making the illiterate people understand the evils of a large number of children. In this connection, special emphasis should be given to women education. The educated women not only like to marry late, but also like to become mother of fewer children. Medicines used for birth control should not be costly and high priced. The number of trained staff should be increased and the childhood marriages should be discouraged.

Inflation (With Outline)

Inflation (With outline)



  • Introduction
  • Types of inflation in Pakistan
  • Causes of inflation
  • Impacts of inflation
  • How to control inflation

Inflation has been termed as a many sided monster by the economists. The word inflation comes from inflate which means to rise artificially. Different scholars have put forward various definitions of inflation. According to Coulbonis, it is a case of too much money chasing too few things. Edward Shapiro says, “A persistent appreciable rise in the general level of prices in known as inflation. Inflation brings great misery and hardship for the common people and salaried class is especially hard hit. Investment is curtailed and uncertain conditions prevail all over. It has been steadily building up since the world war-II.
                It is now a worldwide phenomenon. It has assured dangerous proportions and is a much discussed subject. According to economic survey 2002-03 the inflation rate in Pakistan was 3.3 percent. This a lower rate of inflation. However, it has been at very high level during 1980s and 1990s. From 1999 to 2004, the average inflation rate in the country has been 3.71 percent.
                There are two types of inflation as:
I)                    Demand pull inflation.
II)                  Cost push inflation.
                When aggregate demand for goods and services exceeds the available supply of output, there is a rise in the general price level which is called “demand pull inflation”. When there is no increase in aggregate demand, prices may still rise. This may happen because of costs, particularly the wage cost go on rising. This is called “cost push inflation”.
                Unfortunately, fluctuation in the price level affects classes of people differently. It affects both the debtors and creditors, the debtors obtain great advantage whereas the creditors on the other hand lose a lot. The business class is greatly benefited. The businessmen try to increase their profits by increasing the gap between their costs and prices. The greater the difference, the greater the profits of the enterprises. Rising prices are greatly welcomed by farmers as they reap greater profits during inflation. During inflation, the wage earners are the most hard hit class. When prices rise, the wages do not increase in the same ration as the prices do. Due to fall in their incomes, they are subject to great economic miseries.
                There are a variety of causes of inflation; first prices rise if the supply becomes less because of workers strike, closure of factories, floods, absence of rainfall, earthquakes etc. When there is a shortage of agricultural products like rice, gram, wheat, vegetables and others, their prices also rise. In our country prices of industrial and agricultural goods have risen partly because of their shortage. With an increase in their income, the people need more clothes, shoes and other things of daily use. They buy more ghee, oil, fruits and other television sets. Generally, the production of goods does not increase very fast. Money used for unproductive purposes, such as for building plazas, cinemas, hotels etc also gives rise to inflation. It is crystal clear that money thus spent wasted as it has no share in the development efforts.

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                Prices of things on world markets also have direct or indirect effects upon things produced in the country. We can see how prices of different things like petrol, machines, tools, iron, chemicals, paper etc have risen on world market. Pakistan imports these so their prices in the country are much higher than before. The prices of other things have also risen.
                Inflation creates not only price hike but it also gives birth to countless gigantic problems. It makes the poor, poorer and the rich, richer. These create feelings of frustration among the workers. Continuous price rising leads to hoarding of goods by the wholesale and retailers in the hope of high profits.


                It can be controlled by a single measure nevertheless, if monetary and fiscal measures are wisely coordinated, it can greatly help in controlling the continuous precess of rising prices. All the utility stores in the country should be fully stocked with essential consumer’s items to avoid any food shortage. Provincial governments should intensify their vigilance over the hoarders. Profiteers to seek smuggling and hoarding. Domestic production of essentials should be enhanced with fiscal and monetary concessions. Sunday bazaars should be set up under the control of Tehsil, District and Divisional Administration.

My Hero In History (Essay)

My Hero In History (Essay)
My Hero in History (Allama Mohammad Iqbal)

My Hero In History (Allama Mohammad Iqbal)

Allama Iqbal, known as the “Poet of the East”, was born in Sialkot in November 09, 1877. He belonged to Kashmiri family. As a student he was very intelligent. He passed his entrance examination with distinction. Then he got admission in Scotch Mission College, Sialkot. Here he met Maulvi Mir Hassan who was a great scholar. He learnt much from him. After that Iqbal moved to Lahore and did his B.A. with distinction from Govt. College, Lahore. Another precious contact of Iqbal was with Professor Arnold. After his Masters in Philosophy, Iqbal taught in Oriental College for some time. 

Iqbal was not satisfied with it. He wanted to go abroad for higher studies. So with the help of his brother he went to London and studied law, economics, political science and philosophy. He wrote a thesis on “The Philosophy of Iran” and was awarded a Ph. D. degree from Munich University, Germany. 

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After completing his education, he came to Lahore. He had already become famous as a poet. He started his practice as a lawyer but soon he was fed up with it and completely devoted himself to the poetry. His first poem “Himala” was published in the newspaper.

Iqbal’s poetry mainly deals with the philosophy of self-respect. He used to weep on the plight of the Muslims of the world in general and the Muslims of India in particular. In 1930 he presented the idea of a separate homeland for the Muslims of India in his famous Allahabad address.

Iqbal thinks that the Muslims have forgotten their magnificent and glorious past and have lost self-esteem. He believs that only if the Muslims recognize themselves they may rule the world even today. He thinks motivation is necessary to achieve some purpose. Action to Iqbal is essence of life. In short, Iqbal’s poetry motivates us to action. Young men are Iqbal’s main interest because he thinks that the young Muslims can change the course of history. 

Today he is not with us but we have his dream in solid form. We have his immortal poetry with us. Iqbal belongs not to an age or a nation: he is the poet of all ages, times nations.

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Friday, 5 February 2016

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